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Letting Go

"Letting Go"
by Richard Kraus
view biography
"Stand Tall and Proud
Sink your roots deeply into the Earth
Reflect the light of a greater source
Think long term
Go out on a limb
Remember your place among all living beings
Embrace with joy the changing seasons
For each yields its own abundance
The Energy and Birth of Spring
The Growth and Contentment of Summer
The Wisdom to let go of leaves in the Fall
The Rest and Quiet Renewal of Winter."

- LLan Shamir, (Advice from a Tree).

This image was captured using a Sinar 4x5 view camera with a 150mm lens on a tripod. The film used was Kodak Vericolor II and there was no filtration.
The New Forest, England, British, landscape, photography, spring, woodland, woods, ferns, richard kraus

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