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Timeless Morning

"Timeless Morning"
by Richard Kraus
view biography
"Spring - An experience in immortality"

- Henry D. Thoreau (1817-1862).

Personal Reflection:
This is one landscape that always seems more like a dream than a photograph. I have never grown tired coming here.

This photograph was taken using a Pentax 6x7 camera and a 90 mm lens. The film was Kodak Kodachrome 64 and there was no filtration used.
the new forest, richard kraus, england, mist, atmospheric, misty, early morning, photography, large view, 10x8, 10 x 8, 5x4, 5 x 4, large format, landscapes, landscape, hampshire, david farndale, publishing, krausphoto, newforestpictures, new forest pictures, giclee, prints, pictures, images, gallery, wrap, gallery wrap, trees, woodland, walk, new forest images, horses, mist, colt, morning

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